Family Wellbeing Service
The Family Wellbeing Service offers early intervention and support to families living in Cardiff where there is a child up to the age of 25 years and that have an identified need for support in relation to emotional and mental health and wellbeing, but below the level where you would be entitled to specialist health services and/or statutory care and support.
What support is offered?
We work with Children, Young People and Adults in families or with the family group as a whole, this flexible approach enables us to work at your pace, we are able to assess and apply the most appropriate intervention at the most appropriate time for you.
We provide a range of individual support which includes;
Individual family practitioner support

We provide a range of group work support which can be;
Side by Side is a group that runs for 3-4 weeks. It is suitable for Children/young people aged 6-10 and their families. It is for those having difficulty in family/peer relationships, emotional skills and social skills. It can be used where there has been a significant event such as a bereavement loss or trauma and is based on the five ways to wellbeing. There are separate children, young people and adult groups that run simultaneously, then there is a family session which joins the children, young people and adults together.
‘Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine’ is a bereavement and loss group that runs for 6 weeks. It is for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one and is delivered to small groups of up to 4 children /young people due to the nature of the group.
Coping with bereavement and Loss is a group sessions that spans half or a full day, it’s a group that is delivered on special occasions such as Christmas time and looks at different ways of coping with the feelings children tell us they experience after a death at these times.
Art Therapy is a group that runs for 8 weeks. It is suitable for children/young people aged 11+ and offers a creative space to express difficult emotions and underlying anxieties. Using art materials to show themselves and other people how they are feeling.
Bounce is a group that runs for 7 weeks it is suitable for children age 7-11 and delivered to groups of 6 during the school day. Bounce is a group for children who have experienced family breakdown; who may be struggling to deal with their parents separating, and therefore loss of a family member (parent, sibling, grandparent, etc). Currently on hold due to Covid 19
Bright Stars is a group that runs for 8 weeks it is suitable for children age 7-11 and delivered to groups of 6 during the school day. All group members will have been identified as having low self-esteem or a lack in confidence. Currently on hold due to Covid 19
Friendship Circle is a group that runs for 7 weeks it is suitable for children age 7-11 and delivered to groups of 6 during the school day. All group members have been identified as having difficulties making and maintaining friendships. Currently on hold due to Covid 19
Girls Talk is a group that runs for 8 weeks it is suitable for children age 9-11 to provide factual information and guidance on issues around growing up.
Happening is a group that runs for 8 weeks it is suitable for Young People age 12-15 and delivered to groups of 6 during the school day. All group members will have been identified as having low emotional wellbeing, difficulties regulating emotions, low self-esteem, a lack in confidence, or difficulties making and maintaining friendships. Currently on hold due to Covid 19
Reboot is a group that runs for 7 weeks it is suitable for children who are experiencing anxiety and helps to learn techniques to cope with these anxieties.
Back To School Group is a 4 week programme delivered to targeted groups of no more than five young people suitable for 11 – 16 year olds where members have been identified as having increased anxiety affecting their return to school following COVID 19.
How to make a referral?
Referrals into our service are made via the Cardiff Early Help Gateway Tel: 03000 133 133 or via their website, contact advisors will help you access the right support for you and your family.
For more information
If you require further information please Email: cardifffamilywellbeing@barnardos.org.uk or call 02920 577074