Managing family finances can be challenging. Find advice on budgeting, saving, making the most of your money, and finding work.
Budgeting advice and tips for saving money
Visit the Parenting. Give it time. website for help, practical tips, and expert advice on budgeting, saving, and making the most of your money.
You can find regular blogs on topics such as:
- Creating a monthly budget to track income and expenses.
- How to prioritise what you spend your money on.
- Looking for discounts and deals on everyday purchases.
- Reducing unnecessary expenses.
- Saving.

Money Advice Service
The Money Advice team can help you manage your money and finances. Their advisors can help you with:
- benefits and how to apply,
- advice if you are expecting or are already a parent,
- debt advice,
- household bills, and
- buying food.
You can contact them by:
- visiting the Money Advice website,
- calling 029 2087 1071,
- emailing, or
- visiting your local Hub.

Help finding work
There are many organisations that can help you find work.
Into Work Advice Service
The Into Work Advice Service can help you:
Cardiff Works
Cardiff Works is an employment agency offering temporary roles in Cardiff Council.
Cardiff Cares Academy
Cardiff Cares Academy recruits and trains care workers for the city’s social care sector.
Careers Wales
Careers Wales is an advice service that can help you:
Work experience, education and training
We can point you in the right direction if you are looking for work experience, education or training.
Attend a parenting course
There are many courses available to parents in Cardiff through our Cardiff Parenting Service. Some of our parent groups offer City and Guilds accreditations alongside attending a course. Contact us to find out more.
Volunteer Cardiff
Volunteer Cardiff can help you find volunteer opportunities, organisations, and support.
Adult Learning Cardiff
Adult Learning Cardiff can provide courses that are suitable for all abilities.
If you need childcare to help you find work or need help towards the cost of childcare, read our childcare guide.
Need more help?
If you are not sure which support is right for you and your family, our advisors can help.
You can contact us by:
- completing an Early Help referral form,
- starting a webchat, or
- calling 03000 133 133.