You may feel upset, sad or worried about going to school.
This may happen the night before school and in the morning.
The more you stay away from school, the more worried you could get about school.
It is okay to have worries.
But sometimes, worries can feel too big. So, it is important to find someone or something that can help you.
When you do not go to school, you may worry about:
- the work you have missed,
- seeing your friends and teachers again, or
- what people have been doing or saying.
What to do if you feel like this
It is important that you talk to someone who can help you and make you feel happy in school again. This could be:
- your parents or carers,
- other family members,
- an adult in school, or
- your friends.
It could help you to think about:
- 3 things you like most about school,
- 3 things you dislike most about school, and
- if you could change one thing about school, what would it be?
If you do not want to talk about it, maybe you could draw what you are worried about.
When you are feeling worried or sad, there are things you can do to make you feel better.
Try relaxing your body
- Sit or lie somewhere quiet and comfortable.
- Stretch out your arms and make a fist, then relax.
- Push your legs out, wiggle your toes, then relax.
- Shut your eyes tight and pull a scrunched-up face, then relax.
Try slow deep breathing
- Take a slow breath in through your nose for about 4 seconds.
- Hold it for 1 or 2 seconds.
- Slowly let it out through your mouth for about 4 seconds.
- Wait 2 to 3 seconds before taking another breath.
- Repeat 5 to 10 times.
Try physical exercise
You could try:- star jumps,
- press ups,
- running in the garden or
- football
Try to keep a journal
This is a special book to write or draw something that happened to you or something in your life that makes you happy.You should do this every day.